would need to rely on self-sufficiency

“The Russian facility would need to rely on self-sufficiency via base-installed diesel generators [as it did at its former Khmeimim Airbase in Syria], with fuel imported from Russia due to high local petroleum costs,” Nikiforov wrote. Russia alone is also incapable of meeting another need — extensive dredging in the waters surrounding a poten

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place names are being systematically

A crucial element of China’s occupation strategy has been the deliberate “Sinicisation” of Tibetan geography and identity. Tibetan place names are being systematically replaced with Mandarin terms as part of Beijing’s policy to erase indigenous identity. Historic cities, sacred mountains, rivers, and pilgrimage sites are rapidly losing thei

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connection to the royal family

Scholars such as Steven Cohen have previously argued that Akbar and his son Jahangir made prominent displays of bandhan?—a tie-dyed cotton fabric—in their dress and portrait paintings in order to symbolically allude to the marriage alliances that they had entered into with several Rajput lineages, signalling, in this instance, Akbar’s connect

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architectural idiom that gets imported

Such changes were witnessed in other arenas of Mughal public life, such as architecture. (One only has to think of the beautifully carved serpentine brackets at Fatehpur Sikri, a remarkable Gujarati architectural idiom that gets imported to the Mughal capital under Akbar; or the stone inlay in the interior tomb chamber of Jahangir, which owes its b

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warfare strategies could be compromised

By enhancing AI-powered detection systems and cross-national intelligence sharing, democracies can limit the effectiveness of Chinese influence operations. Targeting AI Predictive Models with Misinformation and Strategic Deception AI-driven warfare relies on data accuracy. If China’s AI training models are fed misleading or incomplete information

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